HotDoc Appointments
Below is our HotDoc booking System, which is an easy way to book an appointment at your convenience.
It will show all our available appointments for each Doctor, and will let you pick the service you need.
From Monday April 3rd, 2023 our practice will move to mixed billing (including telehealth appointments).
Bulk billed appointments will still be available for eligible patients.
Please contact our friendly reception staff to discuss if you are eligible for a bulk billed consult.
(07) 3445 3111
Please attend your appointments on time, or if you are unable to you may cancel from within the HotDoc app or by phoning our reception
Respect Policy
"No excuse, for Abuse"
We try our best to deal with everyone in a respectful and kind manner. We understand that sometimes people can get very frustrated when it concerns their health.
However, this does not mean that we tolerate abusive or aggressive behaviour.
Any intimidatory or aggressive behaviour, whether it is physical or verbal, towards any of our staff or other patients will result in a patient ban and transfer.
Cancellations and DNA
Please inform reception if you are unable to come to an appointment. This allows us to fit other patients into the schedule. Please inform reception a minimum of 1 hour before your appointment.
If you fail to advise the practice that you can not attend your appointment within the 1 hour window a fee will be incurred and must be paid prior to any future appointments.
As of the 1st of June 2022, each appointment missed will be marked in their file. Fees incurred are as follows -
DNA (Do not attend) fees are as followed -
If you fail to give adequate notice if you are unable to attend a booked/confirmed appointment a $40 fee will be payable.*
*This MUST be paid in FULL before any future appointments are accepted
1 hour minimum notice of cancellation is required to avoid incurring these fees
All notices will be sent via email or post and must be paid prior to any further appointments